Tuesday, November 17, 2009


I have figured out how to start to customize my blog page.... in case you haven't noticed! I think it looks fabulous! It probably means I have way too much time on my hands to play with this feature but...... it's the little things in life that matter!

Friday, November 13, 2009

The little Things in Life

Current mood: animated

It's the little things in life that give you joy. If you watch for them... they are there. Today I was on a wellness trek.... after having my annual pap last week it was time to follow with a blood test and a mammogram. Before I set out I meditated that only loving hands would touch my body today. It was heaven... believe it or not. The blood test was probably the best I've ever had.... the needle was in and all the blood was drawn by the time I looked down to see when the medical personnel was going to prick me. I was even able to talk them into giving me the deep purple special bandage wrap! I ended up taking my book to wait for the mammogram and the office surprised me by taking me 20 minutes early. Not only was the machine warm but I only had to have one set of xrays.... everything was clear and a good picture. Since I was finished early and waiting for Carol to share brunch with (since I had to fast for the blood test) I stopped to buy myself a pink rose. The Florist was having a special sale and open house so they not only served me cookies, hot cider, gave me a free flower calendar but they also had pink roses on sale and gave me an extra 15% off! I ended up with a dozen pink roses to reward myself with for taking care of myself!!! Then I was off to the best brunch ever!!!!!! I thank all of the people today that helped me celebrate! (like Cole for putting up with all my pings of joy! and Carol for listening to me gush with happiness and sharing brunch!... as well as everyone else I ran into!) I wish you all a day when the little things mount up to give you happiness!

Sunday, November 8, 2009


Current mood: excited

If I figure out how to isolate and send out a sample of the latest rehearsal with drumming and harmonies... I will do so. I just don't know how to yet. It sounds great!!!!! I'm drumming and Natalie & David are singing. Awesome! Two rehearsals and we are making big progress! (Gail... not American Idol material but terrific chanting harmonics!)

Saturday, November 7, 2009


Current mood: calm

Ahhhhhh...... today is quiet! For the last three days I have had roofers pounding , crawling, and nailing on my roof. You get used to it but when it is finally quiet you realize just how tense the noise makes you! As soon as it is silent you sort of exhale and drop your shoulders..... Ahhhhhhh.....

Friday, November 6, 2009


Current mood: okay

It seems like this whole week has been rearranged. I sort of plan out what I think is going to happen and then I realize that with a few phone calls my whole life is switched around. I keep telling myself to stay flexible and go with the flow. So far things have been fine...just different than the normal routine. I guess we need these days to appreciate the regular routine weeks!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Can't believe

Current mood: impressed

Made up our minds to reroof on Sunday... today is Wednesday and the crew is all over the roof tearing away the old burnt out shake shingles. It looks like I will have a new roof on the house by Thursday or Friday!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

6 rhythms

Current mood: excited

6 rhythms, 20 people, assemble in countless ways = awesome!

Tonight is the advanced drumming group and it is so much fun to have everyone know certain rhythms so we can play around with combining them in different ways. It turns out to be an awesome sound and a fantastic rewarding time. I sort of replay the whole night in my head after I lay down to go to sleep. It is a couple hours out of the day when you don't think etc.... just play and you are 100% in the now!

Friday, October 30, 2009


Current mood: grateful

Wow! Today ended up being a marathon day at the bank. We are trying to consolidate some accounts and free up some other money to make it fluid. Luckily I called ahead and the paperwork was ready for signatures but it still took up time. Looks like we are going to get the new roof after all. Somehow in the whole transaction we ended up with a new BBQ utensil set. Woot! A present for doing what we were going to do any how!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Pumpkin guys... they aren't real?

When I braved the snow storm and went grocery shopping (after all what else do you do when it's beginning to storm but flock to the grocery store to stock up on extra supplies?) I was greeted by these little pumpkin guys. Being as focused as I am I stopped everything to take a picture with my iphone. It made my day!!!! And I didn't buy any of the little guys because I didn't want to ruin the display.... and after all...how could you just take one? They are like kittens!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

New computer ~ sort of

Current mood: adventurous

I am now able to type on the iMac! Well, actually I've always been able to type on the iMac but now it's in the kitchen where I spend a ton of time! It is so much easier to use than the older computer. Biggest problem will be resetting my desktop and all of my favorite bookmarks. I can really get into this though. When my husband has time off from work the house gets rearranged and even though it's a heap of work... it usually helps out in the long run. (like showing me just a "few" things on the new operating system that ends up taking up hours... oh and a full bottle of wine!) Fun and sort of a productive day today.

Here we go again!

Current mood: content

It's only Oct. 28 and we are on our second major snowstorm so far. Luckily they are very manageable and under a foot. Also lucky for me that Dan is home from work so he gets to do the shoveling today for me! Woot! (The time he went to Africa and we had a straight week of snow almost put me under!) This snow is light and fluffy and makes you go Ohhhhh... Holidays! Don't worry it will be 54 degrees by Saturday and Halloween will still happen! I just sort of feel soft and snuggly today... that's a sure indication that I am watching the snow through a window and not from a spun out car or stuck in a snow drift!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

15 minutes

Current mood: rushed

I have exactly 15 minutes before I have to leave to go to the middle school and get started on my work day. The temperature has steadily dropped as the day has gone on. Thank heavens I have already exercised because now all I want to do is curl up with a hot cup of tea! We are not sure if we are getting snow or not. It could go either way ... sort of is the standard for Boulder County for a ton of different things... like whatever you might be thinking or talking about! I am so distractible...mentioned tea so I had to stop and start heating some to take with me in my wonderful tea container that Cole gave me. Of course I even started on Sugar Cookie tea since it feels like the holidays already. See... in Boulder County we even make our own time lines for holidays... I'm skipping Halloween and going straight to the big ones!

Monday, October 26, 2009


Current mood: surprised

Yesterday I decided that I wanted my hair cut.... like right away. You know how it is... when it's time.. it's time. Not having the time or an appointment I decided to do it all my myself. I grabbed the bottom layer of hair in the back, twirled it into a ponytail... and...and...and... hacked it all off! Looking at the amount of hair in my hand, say enough to resemble a small cat, I was frightened that I had made a huge mistake. It actually turned out sort of Ok... a little thin in the back but definitely an improvement. I wouldn't recommend this type of haircut to anyone but somehow it seems to have worked for me.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Plan B

Current mood: peaceful

I am everyone's Plan B and I find that I am OK with that. If original plans don't work out there is always Plan B. Plan B is the back up plan... the one you turn to when other ideas/plans/activities don't quite work out. Plan B is often underrated but brings comfort to your soul because you always know it's there to pick up any slack or fix ideas that don't pan out. Plan B is often the best way but is overshadowed by the dazzle and sparkle of of the new improved untried ideas. Even if Plan A works out , people keep Plan B around because it is a safety net. Plan B is far more important than we usually give credit to because Plan B gives people confidence & security to venture beyond their "comfort" zones. After all, if it doesn't work out... "we always have Plan B!". So I say.. Go for it Plan B's! The fall back or alternative plans of the world are the stable, comforting, useful, and and encouraging plans that allow people to capture their dreams in a less stressful and more nurturing environment. Everyone needs a Plan B ~ where's yours?

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Preparing for the snow!

Current mood: smart

I think I will have to bite the bullet and go to the grocery store today since it looks like there might be snow tonight or tomorrow. I don't know exactly why the instinct is to run to the grocery store to stock up but it must be from cave man days! Seems like everyone is going to stop by for supplies... getting ready to hunker down in case there is a major storm (which there isn't supposed to be...at least at my altitude!) So off to the store this afternoon!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Dark Chocolate!

Current mood: distressed

Ok... I'm breathing again! I just finished eating a dark chocolate bar and my stress levels have retreated! It all started when a friend called me this morning for help. To even get to the help part was a half hour explanation that led up to the current problem. It seems that she and her husband were driving cross country when they stopped by the side of the road to check out some rock samples for plant fossils. OK... so not everyone stops to crack open rocks but I do have a wide assortment of friends that do out of the ordinary things. Steve was excited because he found a whole ridge of prime fossils. He climbed to the top of a ridge and smelled this awful horrible smell. Thinking it might be a dead animal he peeked over the ridge to discover a dead man!!!!!! Jumping back in fright he fell head over heels all the way down the ridge and landed in a ditch by the side of the road. Calling 911 made the situation become more tangled. After all... they were out of state people, had no idea where they were, and had a dead man to boot! After hours he was released to got to the hospital where it was discovered that he had a shattered shoulder. Driving back to Colorado for surgery was not pleasant to say the least. At this point I'm totally freaked out hearing her story and trying to take deep breaths while saying ......OMG...OMG...OMG. Turns out they need computer help because their laptop was broken at the hospital when it fell off a tray table. At least Steve is on the mend, the computer is being mended, and I'm delivering anti stress aroma therapy candles to the house tomorrow. Count your blessings and breathe deeply!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Current mood: weird

My cats have been glued to our dining room window watching the birds. Besides getting a new bird feeder (from Nicole and Clay) we are on the migration route for the birds! This has caused as many as up to a 100 birds landing in our yard, on the house, on our neighbors house , and in the surrounding evergreen trees. Sometimes you can even hear the birds with all of the windows and doors closed. It's helpful to know when a weather front is coming through but it sort of drives the cats nuts. I have taken to getting out the binoculars and using Doug's bird book to identify some of the smaller birds. My favorites are the Field sparrows and the Back Cap chick-a-dees. Mornings can be a little weird though because sometimes it feels like you are in some sort of strange sci-fi movie!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Where is the blue?

Current mood: confused

I am having a hard time believing that I actually live in Colorado because we have not really had blue skies for two days. It's sort of like we are living in Seattle right now. I have this urge to drink lots of coffee and eat candy corn today. We are damp, gray, and 40 degrees. I know.... I am such a wimp!!! oh... and also spoiled!!!!!!

Monday, October 5, 2009

So Productive!

Current mood: accomplished

Sometimes I am so productive that I amaze myself. Today went so exceedingly well! I exercised, called Wachovia in DC, went to my bank, bought yarn for Clay's scarf, mailed the drums to Danny, did the grocery shopping, had the oil changed in the car, watered the plants, dealt with the mail, and tutored! The only things left are to tutor one more student, eat dinner and do evening yoga. Man... I'm stoked!

Friday, October 2, 2009

Friday Fun Day

Today was such a great fun day! I was on my way to the Wafflle House (which I have never been to... I know... I lead a sheltered life) but then I had to stop by a friend's house to pick up the drum boxes I have been searching for everywhere. Well, by that time I was almost to Boulder so I got diverted to the Buff restaurant where they were having a special on Bloody Mary breakfast drinks. Thinking of the girls... I had to have two! You know... a toast to each girl. From there it was only a hop, skip, and a jump across the street to LuLuLemon to check sizes and to try the new Starbucks taste test. ( Like how many little cups of coffee can you drink to make up your mind? - sort of like shots!) It was only natural then to buy a movie ticket to see Whip It. I loved it! I want to dig my skates out and throw food....or at least get to yell... Food Fight! I had a fun day and only had to work three hours. Yes! oh, ya... never did get to the Waffle House... I'll save that adventure for another day!

Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Current mood: accomplished

Success happened in a surprise way last night at drumming! I had practiced for about 45 minutes getting a solo together... I mean I really worked on this thing... even had words to go with the beats and everything. I practiced with the metronome that Natalie loaned me and felt a little nervous but sort of confident. I had been saying positive mantras to myself all day and went off to drumming. The drumming session was difficult because we were trying rhythms in new ways and fast speeds that we had not utilized before. It was great but took tons of concentration... not a meditation session that's for sure! When it came time for the solo parts I felt like I could do this...and wanted to go first but the circle went the other direction and I was in the end part... talk about upping the pressure! It came to me... I confidently did my solo call got into the solo section and went ... what????? Did my calming wait four beats... started saying my words and ..... and..... and.... my hands did something totally different! I ended up drumming a solo that I had never heard before... go figure.. my brain was doing one thing and my hands were drumming on their own. It sounded Ok because people were complimentary and then I had to do another solo part and it was longer and even better than the first one. I sort of feel like I cracked through a mental barrier. I was able to let go, trust my body rhythm, and go with the flow and perform a decent solo. If I can do it once, I can do it again ... and it will only get better from here!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Inner Dialogue

Do You ever notice how your inner dialogue gets in your way sometimes? Without even thinking or even being aware of it we tend to listen to this tape of programmed thoughts that we carry with us! Today is Tuesday so tonight is my advanced drumming night. I love this group! This group is more supportive than my grandmother's corset! This group wants nothing but the best for me. So what's the big deal you say???? Well, at the end of the session we all do a piece where everyone is sort of expected to signal for a solo. I have no idea why this is so hard. I mean ... I can signal on beat... I can get in and out of the circle rhythm perfectly but when it comes time for me to do the actual solo I freak! It all comes down to my inner dialogue. I have to believe in myself that I can do this with a flourish. I've decided that tonight is the night that I will succeed with a short solo. Go Me!

Monday, September 28, 2009

Back to Posting too!

Current mood: productive

Today I am finally mentally ready to rededicate myself to organizing and exercising again! It's incredible to me how much of life is really a mental game with yourself. It is so easy to find reasons not to do something that you really don't want to do. I have stopped the excuses and just tell myself it's ok not to do whatever I want to avoid and know that I will rededicate myself to that goal when I'm ready. At least I'm owning my decisions instead of "excusing". Well today is the day I have set to restart exercising... I started reorganizing yesterday. Once I get past the first week .. then it's so much easier because then I don't even debate with myself... I just do my routine! Well, I'm off to find uplifting rocking tunes to get me moving!!!!!!!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Set the sails and watch the wind. We're off to the high seas. Boomer loves the sailing life!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


These are some of the oddest things in my life and I look at them every day! They all hold my smile in different ways. The Tomato is from the Nashville Tomato Festival which not only did I thoroughly enjoy but also thought it was one of the strangest events I had ever been too. The Grass Monkey was a Christmas present from Dan and he was panicked that I had killed the grass seed because it wasn't growing. (Since has been shattered by the Boomer guy!) The black cat is Gizmo and he started as a tiny tiny cat with almost no hair. He was probably the funniest looking cat ever and he has turned into this beautiful (but weird) adult cat. All of these are gracing my kitchen which keeps us from being in Good Housekeeping!

Monday, April 20, 2009


Boomer is the new kitten in our household. He has already put scratches in the leather couch, broken the little ceramic monkey, and dug in the plants. We couldn't love him more! He has totally adjusted to the other cats and is already playing with Gizmo in hide and seek. He loves the tutoring kids and follows us around. He's a keeper!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

A Paper Clip is my new Hero

We have had a big spring cold weather snap and snow in most areas. In our area we have had rain nonstop which is kind of exciting since we never get to experience this much rain. However, it gets pretty cold when your heat doesn't work! It only took us all day to figure out that the heat wasn't coming on in the house. We kept thinking it was because we had been outside and we were just cold.... nooooooo.... not it! After figuring out that we were eating nonstop to prepare for the cold we decided to investigate. Guess what... the thermostat wasn't working. Somehow we decided that it would work if we could fix the connections and new batteries. Woot... it's working but now we are afraid to touch it in case it will shut down again.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

One Year

One year ago Grandpa died. Today my lilly bloomed one bloom. Pretty amazing.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Lack of blogging

When I don't blog here check my myspace blog. It is a pictureless but I tend to keep a running commentary on it.


Monday, March 9, 2009

Channel Surfing

I should never be allowed to channel surf! I am now addicted to "RuPaul's Drag Queen Race". I have seen two episodes and now have to make time to see the rest of them online. (They are on the RuPaul's Drag Race site.) The format is sort of like American Idol and America's Top Model. (Quite a step up from the Cleveland's next top model show!) These ladies are fabulous. Secretly I am hoping for some makeup tips.

Monday, March 2, 2009


On the ipod....Santana, Big & Rich... elliptical machine.... hand weights....does it get any better than this? Yes!!!! 73 degree temperatures! I feel like I'm on vacation!

Friday, February 27, 2009

I've always wanted to.....

I have decided that I am at an exciting stage in my life. Most people want to avoid getting older or hate it. So far for me I'm at that incredible transition stage where all my friends are beginning to say (bucket list) things like... I've always wanted to.... (fill in the blank). Bingo... we are actually doing them. All of the kids are launched (or slingshot at least) and we have part time jobs that allow us to have flexible schedules (sort of depending on the time of the year). So... when we hear someone say... I've always wanted... I (or even we sometimes) sign up to participate. So far I have been been included on a cruise, drumming, Bruce Springstein tickets, Deadwood, Derek Trucks band tickets, FACE tickets, trip to Thailand, theater shows, and a fun week in Nashville! Just today at the grocery store a friend mentioned that she would like to go to Branson, Missouri and ride the riverboat.... I so jumped in to help make it a reality by saying... I'll go with you!!!!!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Soccer Balls

I've decided that life is like the soccer ball section of the wii fit where they kick soccer balls at you along with shoes and pandas that you are to dodge. Life sends events at you and you go for it and meet most of them head on and feel terrific. Every now and then you get hit with an event which you are supposed to avoid but somehow get hit. What's important is how you handle being blindsided or hit with something you can't control. You can drop, mope, feel sorry for yourself, complain, or you can rebound and go for the next challenge. Right now I'm going for the challenge!!!!!!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

The Dread is Worse Than the Doing

I have started Taxes today. Yes, taxes! I am responsible for not only my taxes but Uncle John's and the last filing for Pop. I have been dreading even getting started. Not just dreading but starting to have full fledged nightmares! Today (during my workout no less...yes I get full credit for working out today!) I gave myself a pep talk. The result..... I completed step #1 for Uncle John's taxes. I have all the data entered in Quicken, all bank statements reconciled, reports run, tax documents collected, and found last year's tax filing. All I have to do is add up some numbers and begin filing! Yea for me. I found I was wasting more energy thinking about taxes than was necessary. By getting started, hopefully I will get on a roll and get all my tax responsibilities done by Spring Break!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Chocolates & Money

I'm spending the day eating chocolates and reading about money. Great huh? I was helping Dan do TIE work this morning and it led us to Kinko's (yes! there are times when it's just cheaper and easier to have another business copy and cut your downloaded files!) While browsing around Kinko's I spotted the new Suze Orman book. Now, my cousin had just told me that I should read this book. I have no idea if this is a good idea or not.... sometimes advice from relatives is .... well..... how do I put this?..... a little off? Hell.... why beat around the bush... let's just knock that sucker down... sometimes the advice is just plain whacked! Like... how many pain killers I need to have on hand in case I should need them... oh, let's get real.... However, she does know all her medicines! Where was I... oh yes, I did make an executive decision and buy the book (she does have more money than me) but I realized quickly that if I was going to read a book on money I needed chocolates to go with it. Best idea I've had in a while.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Home Again!

Always when you get home one of the first things that needs done is laundry. I had a helper that followed me around all day when I was working around the house. I guess it was a little lonely for the "homeboys" while we were gone.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Last Night on the Ship

The last evening on the ship was a little windy. Well, that might be an understatement... it was more like a fierce gale. The day was great, we swam, went down the water slide, enjoyed ice cream and had a terrific dinner with Baked Alaska for dessert. During dessert Clay mentioned that it was really neat to go on deck to see the stars and take a stroll. Who knew that it was going to be like a wind tunnel? I barely made it two steps up the stairs when I realized that my dress was over my head. At which point I began crawling up the stairs and grabbing my dress between my legs. When we hit the doorway to the front of the ship it was every man holding on for themselves! I did make it through the worse of the wind tunnel and couldn't stop laughing. The bottom picture is of course under the beauty salon sign after Joyce and I got back inside. Terrific ending to a fabulous trip!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Chi-chen Itz

On the cruise my absolute favorite was Chichen Itza. Not because of the 2 hour bus ride (which most of us slept on!) or because of the heat but because of the Mayan history. We had an excellent guide, Amando, who gave us historical facts about the area and culture. I was enthralled and could have stayed there much longer than we were alloted. I tend to like historical, art, cultural, and local events (like the Nashville Tomato Festival!) Hmm... maybe that's why I sampled the tequilla the day before in Cozumel.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Streets of Mexico

The first day ashore was at Cozumel. Lots of little shops and inexpensive and free drinks! Spent a good portion of the day sampling the food and drinks available. Yes, the tequila brands do taste different but after awhile it sort of blends together. I was surprised that there were African drummers to entertain us .... I expected something a little more traditional for Mexico.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Captain's Dinner

Who's this happy couple? Yep, it's us on the way to the Captain's dinner. I really got into the daily routine of shushi, fabulous show, and then a late dinner. Even though you learn to actually step over every doorway and sway with the ship, I did love the excitement every night with the entertainment. I kept looking for the ice rink but I hear that's on a bigger ship! Favorite show was between the talking couch (lounge show) and the Beatles' tribute (costumes extreme).

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Home Away From Home

Our home for the week was a cabin on the Carnival Funship fantasy. Amongst all of the activities, meals, exercise classes and swimming the most popular was..... "How do I get to that part of the ship?" game. It seemed to be played by most of the passengers at some point or another. My favorite was the man who asked me if I knew where he was going. Somehow we were all winners...it just took some of us longer than others.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


A week ago Sunday we landed in New Orleans. Having never been to New Orleans before we didn't have any idea what to expect. It was a Sunday night but we decided to head off to ... where else... Burbon Street. We thought that if nothing else we could see some sights and get a meal. I don't think they have special Sunday laws in N.O. like they have in parts of the midwest because Burbon Street seemed to be in full swing. We walked the streets, visited bars, played washboard, and went gambling. It was at that very moment that I lost all consciousness of what day of the week it was and entered an alternate reality that would last for the rest of the vacation! We just sort of floated reality for a while and enjoyed ourselves where ever we happened to be!

Monday, January 12, 2009


Today is my first real re-entry day to reality after the holidays! I know, I extended them a bit...well, maybe more than a bit! But, it's like... snow? eating at home? dishes? garbage cans to the curb?, tutoring?, no exciting entertainment? and no sign and sail card? I think I adjusted to the vacation adventure just a little too well.