Thursday, October 15, 2009

Dark Chocolate!

Current mood: distressed

Ok... I'm breathing again! I just finished eating a dark chocolate bar and my stress levels have retreated! It all started when a friend called me this morning for help. To even get to the help part was a half hour explanation that led up to the current problem. It seems that she and her husband were driving cross country when they stopped by the side of the road to check out some rock samples for plant fossils. OK... so not everyone stops to crack open rocks but I do have a wide assortment of friends that do out of the ordinary things. Steve was excited because he found a whole ridge of prime fossils. He climbed to the top of a ridge and smelled this awful horrible smell. Thinking it might be a dead animal he peeked over the ridge to discover a dead man!!!!!! Jumping back in fright he fell head over heels all the way down the ridge and landed in a ditch by the side of the road. Calling 911 made the situation become more tangled. After all... they were out of state people, had no idea where they were, and had a dead man to boot! After hours he was released to got to the hospital where it was discovered that he had a shattered shoulder. Driving back to Colorado for surgery was not pleasant to say the least. At this point I'm totally freaked out hearing her story and trying to take deep breaths while saying ......OMG...OMG...OMG. Turns out they need computer help because their laptop was broken at the hospital when it fell off a tray table. At least Steve is on the mend, the computer is being mended, and I'm delivering anti stress aroma therapy candles to the house tomorrow. Count your blessings and breathe deeply!

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