Inner Warrior meets Inner Goddess
Festival prep has begun. Looking at the "marathon"ahead there are certain areas that will ensure a good time! First one is ENERGY. Having been to several festivals in my past I have realized that one of the biggest factors (besides crowds) is the distance required to cover multiple stages and events. Taking into account that somehow I have let my good intentions of "staying in shape" lag, I have come to the conclusion that I should be working out... at least a little bit! After all, if I want to sprint (highly unlikely) to another stage to catch two acts overlapping, I need to have a certain amount of stamina. Plan B would be to just drink and forget about moving... which is always a viable option! My Inner Warrior is stoked that I have decided to become a regular at yoga and the elliptical machine again... while my Inner Goddess is saying.. What?????? Shouldn't we just go shopping and buy cute makeup and clothes?????? Sooooo.... yes... the Inner Warrior is pumped and some exercise will happen....after all it does increase the quality of life, but I am aware that 39 days will not make me the cutie in the bikini body with a halter top soaking up the Florida sun. Here's hoping I rock the music in the fashion that people aren't taking pictures of me as the "bad example of what not to look like!". (No I will not wear a solo cup bra!) Here's to the stickers on my calendar showing which days I have exercised... and to the energy generated to make the most of my festival adventure!
#Prep1 month 9 days
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