Saturday, May 31, 2008

Maybe a little stressed!

OK! I might have been a little stressed at the burial of my father. Actually I made it through two days before Nicole noticed that I was wearing two different shoes. I hadn't even realized it even though I kept thinking one shoe fit better than the other. Of course after the funeral when she noticed... I took major ribbing. Nothin left after that than to take a memorial shot! Dad would have loved it!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Come Together

As I reflect on the past couple of weeks and look ahead to next week at Arlington National Cemetery several thoughts come to mind (yes... I do think once in awhile :).) One big one comes from taking care of Grandpa. As I would wash his body, make his food, massage his legs, and clean his wounds he would tell me "I don't know anyone else that would do this for me... Thank you!". What he didn't know is that his and Mom's spirit inspired all of us to do this for each other and that by helping others in our environment is like doing these things for him also. Look to those around you. Be sure that the people in your immediate life have food, a loving touch, and support to heal. Don't let our differences separate us but let our differences help us respect and appreciate our uniqueness.