Tuesday, October 27, 2009

15 minutes

Current mood: rushed

I have exactly 15 minutes before I have to leave to go to the middle school and get started on my work day. The temperature has steadily dropped as the day has gone on. Thank heavens I have already exercised because now all I want to do is curl up with a hot cup of tea! We are not sure if we are getting snow or not. It could go either way ... sort of is the standard for Boulder County for a ton of different things... like whatever you might be thinking or talking about! I am so distractible...mentioned tea so I had to stop and start heating some to take with me in my wonderful tea container that Cole gave me. Of course I even started on Sugar Cookie tea since it feels like the holidays already. See... in Boulder County we even make our own time lines for holidays... I'm skipping Halloween and going straight to the big ones!

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