Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Winter is Coming!

Sort of sounds like the ominous warning from Game of Thrones but it happens to be true in our area.  We have had the flood and now we are starting to prepare for winter.  The weather is getting so much cooler in the mornings that even the cats are refusing to get out of bed.  Actually somehow the cats take a vote and elect one of their crew to get up and beg for food while the others stay in the warm covers.  Once fed, the cat that got the short end of the straw surveys the dishes to be sure they all have food and then heads back to bed.  What a routine they have worked out.  For the rest of the morning they can take their leisure snacking.  Meanwhile us humans are trying to put up the remains of the garden vegetables, make sure the sprinklers are turned off, and that the furnace is working properly.  Leaves are turning colors and raking will begin soon.  This year I am actually sort of excited about the routine tasks signifying that life is back to normal and the seasonal cycles continue.  Life goes on.

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