Tuesday, May 28, 2013


Don't know why I am going public with this except that I have some strange notion that it will hold me accountable to follow thought  (Yah, right... all I have to do is post later... nope that ain't gonna happen... and no more accountability...hahaha)   Anyhow, in a fit of spare time and energy yesterday I actually started sorting through the basement.  Now we are talking years of hoarding past memories down there!  We have old computers... maybe even every one we've ever owned...including one signed by the Apple crew.  We also have all my old teaching supplies and units from years of working.... that's what I'm tackling at the moment.  First goal is to cull the herd!  I have a goal to make one box out of every two or three.  This will be the first pass through.  I figure I can go through the boxes, throw away tons and keep the essentials, label the boxes, and actually put them on shelves.  As I begin to organize, the theory is that the project will take on a life of it's own. The goal here is to tame the basement monster and actually create the illusion of clutter control! Some people plan summer trips, summer reading lists, summer menus, and summer activities..... well... this is my summer goal.  Wish me motivation!!!!!!!

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