Sunday, November 23, 2008

Bachelor Ways

I don't know if it's because I'm flying out for 5 days or what but the hubby has started to regress a little lately. Today when I went into the kitchen I noticed a definite sardine smell. I looked all around and did not see anything so I began to wonder. Upon questioning the other half he did admit to eating sardines for lunch and sharing some with the cat. But..... it still shouldn't smell as bad as it did. The mystery was solved when I opened the refrigerator. He put the can of sardines in the refrig without covering it. I couldn't believe it. At least put it in a baggie or cover with anything to contain the smell from taking over. It definitely made me flash back to his fraternity days when I would catch some of the guys eating pizza from the cardboard box on the top of the trash. Hello!

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