Tuesday, February 10, 2009

The Dread is Worse Than the Doing

I have started Taxes today. Yes, taxes! I am responsible for not only my taxes but Uncle John's and the last filing for Pop. I have been dreading even getting started. Not just dreading but starting to have full fledged nightmares! Today (during my workout no less...yes I get full credit for working out today!) I gave myself a pep talk. The result..... I completed step #1 for Uncle John's taxes. I have all the data entered in Quicken, all bank statements reconciled, reports run, tax documents collected, and found last year's tax filing. All I have to do is add up some numbers and begin filing! Yea for me. I found I was wasting more energy thinking about taxes than was necessary. By getting started, hopefully I will get on a roll and get all my tax responsibilities done by Spring Break!!!!!!!!

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