Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Current mood: accomplished

Success happened in a surprise way last night at drumming! I had practiced for about 45 minutes getting a solo together... I mean I really worked on this thing... even had words to go with the beats and everything. I practiced with the metronome that Natalie loaned me and felt a little nervous but sort of confident. I had been saying positive mantras to myself all day and went off to drumming. The drumming session was difficult because we were trying rhythms in new ways and fast speeds that we had not utilized before. It was great but took tons of concentration... not a meditation session that's for sure! When it came time for the solo parts I felt like I could do this...and wanted to go first but the circle went the other direction and I was in the end part... talk about upping the pressure! It came to me... I confidently did my solo call got into the solo section and went ... what????? Did my calming wait four beats... started saying my words and ..... and..... and.... my hands did something totally different! I ended up drumming a solo that I had never heard before... go figure.. my brain was doing one thing and my hands were drumming on their own. It sounded Ok because people were complimentary and then I had to do another solo part and it was longer and even better than the first one. I sort of feel like I cracked through a mental barrier. I was able to let go, trust my body rhythm, and go with the flow and perform a decent solo. If I can do it once, I can do it again ... and it will only get better from here!

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