Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Rock Lobster

     Thinking ahead to the warmth of Florida, I realize that my pasty white skin probably needs super protection. This is learning from past experiences.  Shorty after getting married to my DH we went to Florida with my SIL and were..... soooooo .... excited about the warmth, the sun, and the beach that we spent the entire day lounging on our towels and chairs soaking up every bit of the sun that we could.  Coming from overcast Ohio we were totally dreaming of glowing tanned bodies.  You guessed it!  The next day the back of my body was so burnt that I couldn't even move.  I should have started investing in Aloe right then because I have utilized bottles of it ever since.  Learning rather quickly that everyone else tans and I just burn and peel was a harsh lesson in life.  Now I pack 50spf, umbrellas, and assorted hats and shirts whenever I am in the sun.  I sort of look like the little kid bundled in layers of snow clothes where they are so round that they can't move (picture Roley the little round dalmatian in the Disney movie) except I'm the little old lady wrapped in layers of cloth slathered in sunscreen.  I sort of fit in at a festival because there are so many strange people that everyone just goes ...eehhh, shrugs and moves on.  However in this instance, everyone may be mostly bare except me.  Just watch for the the sun umbrella made from red solo cups and you'll find me rockin with the best of them!!!! 
#festival prep ~1month-8days

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