Tuesday, February 19, 2013

      Today has been an extremely thoughtful day.  Not sure if this is because of the pending cold and snow or if it's the prep for the week or the "back to normal" attitude.  This "back to normal" after such a wonderful weekend was the first concept that got me thinking.  After life events of any magnitude, good or bad, people go through different stages.  One of these is "back to normal".  I find that I am one of those that sort of do this... always striving to get "back to routine or back to normal".  While this is an OK strategy, I am now finding this limiting.  It has been a habitual response for so many years and has served me well in the past, but now I realize that I don't necessarily need to revert to this behavior.  By utilizing the "back to normal/routine" I am always striving for status quo.  It's now time to actually use these events to enrich my life or to make me stronger rather than the idea... well... now back to normal.  I am talking about keeping the foundation but adding new activities, feelings, ideas, and energy layered on top of the "back to normal/routine".  Maybe it's just a conscious awareness of the parts of my life that have become routine and if those routines are still benefiting my life. 

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