Sunday, March 10, 2013

Daylight Saving Time

Ok... almost everyone is writing something about DST. I just sort of titled this that because I didn't know what else to say.  My real topic is Snow is Over so I Can Stop Eating! See now,  that didn't quite grab your interest but that's where I'm at today!  We even have sunshine so I no longer need to pack on the clothes pounds to stay warm.  I actually was expecting a bigger storm with the way my body was reacting.  For the three days leading up to the epic fail storm I ate everything I could find that was edible in the house.  Sort of set the whole nutrition plan back by 40 years. Yea for leftover Halloween candy.. so why was that still around and why did I not even hesitate to eat it?  Oh, yeah... my body needed fuel to stay warm... but that's why we have furnaces.. right?  This week promises to be retribution for the unhealthy splurge .... and the last full week before jumping headlong into sunny warmth. 
#prep ~ 11 days

1 comment:

Wendy said...

Great idea to eat your way through the house
right before you go to Florida!

Can we assume no bikini will be in your luggage?